Six years ago members of Churches in Woodbridge and Melton presented a Passion Play in traditional costume on Good Friday out in the open air of Elmhurst Park.
This year (2011) a more contemporary re-telling of the Easter Story will be presented in the same park by church-goers of the town. Jesus will arrive in Elmhurst Park at 10.30am on Friday 22nd April, depicting the procession on Palm Sunday and will be greeted by children waving palm leaves and singing ‘Hosanna!’ A choir and cast of actors will then lead the audience through the events of that first Easter as Jesus celebrates the Passover meal with his disciples, prays in the garden, is arrested by Roman soldiers, is tried and Crucified and finally Rises from the dead to appear before his friends once again.
The cast and choir have been recruited from the local churches and have been rehearsing for several weeks. Costumes, (modern this year) props and scenery are underway and musicians are tuning up ready for the big event which last time attracted several hundred people to the park. These local Christians are putting on this play to tell the local community the Story of Easter. They want to follow Jesus’ command to ‘Go and make disciples of all nations’ which means starting where they live and making sure their friends and neighbours have the opportunity to hear the Gospel for themselves. They are also keen to work together, as members of Christian churches from all denominations, to build good relationships with one other.
Representatives from Churches Together in Woodbridge and Melton meet regularly to plan joint ventures which include the Town Pastor scheme, a visible presence at the Body, Mind and Spirit Fair, an open air service at the Woodbridge Regatta, visiting schools to present ‘Open the Book’ assemblies and organising weekly Credit Union sessions.
The Woodbridge Passion takes place in Elmhurst Park on Good Friday, 22nd April 2011 at 10.30am. Admission to the park is Free and everyone is welcome to attend. Bring a fold-up chair and arrive in good time for a prime spot.